Montag, 24. Oktober 2011


Hey funky lovers!

As a test for the art-part (yeah, that sounds great!) of this funky blog I'd like to ease you into the works of one of my favorite artists. 

I'm talking about Nedko Solakov. He's bulgarian and I came across his work when I went to visit a Giacometti-exhibition in Zurich in 2009. As you guys know, it's a really "big and important" house and it solemnly stands like an erratic block - singled out and full of demands for respect. So I went and looked at the quite interesting but ever-same sculptures of the famous Swiss. I'm honest, it was a little boring. 
But then i saw something weird. There was a little doodle on the base of one of the Giacometti-statues. I was intrigued! What does this mean? What is this? Is this a guerillia-action of an art-rebell?? But then I saw another one! On the way top of the passage-door-thing there were two other doodles - small people who seemed to interact with eachother... and then more! Near the floor, around the lightswitches, by the infoboxes. These little men were everywhere! Plus some funny anecdote-like sentences!

As I exited the Giacometti-Halls I saw announcements that Nedko Solakov would have an exhibition soon and underneath the banners i saw the same little guys! What a great way to advertise!! I went home, more excited about Nedko, I had forgotten all about Giacometti, eager to google him. 
Oh, how I googled him. Just his website made me fall in love with his work even more! The first thing you have to do when you open his website is to choose if you'd like to enter the official or the non-official website. And he wishes you good luck with either one of them. And then he separates his work in simple and complicated works. He's so sarcastic and wonderfully light about seriousness! And he's so funny. And unconventional. The world and everything on it is his canvas. Nothing is safe.

One of my favorite series is called something like "romantic landscapes with something missing" and it's just traditional romantic motives à la Caspar david Friederich, but the key-element is missing. Isn't that great and so funny?? Well, I love it!

An example:

It's a sunset - without sun!! Brilliant! There's also a stormy sea - without a lonely boat. A lovers bench - without the bench. A rainbow - without the red stripe. Ah, he's fantastic!

Oh well, you should go check him out.

And at the moment he has exhibitions in England and Italy - if you're from there.

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