Montag, 12. Dezember 2011

What art is.

Dearest art enthusiastics

One of the most asked questions in art probably is: What is art? Especially in the newer ages, where sometimes, let's face it, you can't really tell 100%. If you go into a contemporary art exhibition you will surely see people who stand infront of quite odd pieces with puzzled faces. And they assume, we assume, just because it's in a museum it must be art. Well, now I will try to explain or help people to go into these kinds of exhibition maybe a little more relaxed.

For contemporary art, I think, Tracy Emin, the famous artist, described it the best: "Art is a claim." Apparantly, all you have to do, is claim, that what you just made, is art. Sounds easy enough. But of course you have to have or give some sort of backgroundinformation. A good example for this theory is the rather well known installation by Tracy Emin. It's "just" her unmade bed, dirty sheets and all.

Emin stated: This is art. And everyone believed it, still believes it. Even I do, and I think its brilliant. Of course it doesn't always work, but just remember this when you stand infront of a really bizarre piece of "art" next time. It helps. And it also helps to understand the artist. But at some point you should draw the line. It shouldn't get ridiculous.

But now, I'll tell you, what best describes art for me. I once read this article on Kurt Tucholsky, a german writer, and his thoughts on art were perfect. To me.

"Art only has one criterion: goose-pimples"

To me, this hits the spot. It doesn't matter what ara the piece is from, who made it, what it's made from, the craftmanship, what it shows. Those aren't relevant points. What's relevant is, that it touches you in any form. If you instantly adore it or even hate it, it doesn't matter. As long as it creates some sort of reaction, it succeeded. Idealy of course, you love it and you actually get those tucholskyian "goos-pimples". The only real criterion with art should be, that it pleases you. And not by whom it's made or how much you spent on it. Tucholsky is totally right. A genius, he is.

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