Dienstag, 20. März 2012

S'up Art-Fans. Relocation. Salut les enthusiasts de l'art

Sooo, I'm very very sorry, that I haven't been posting more of my semi-amateur artstuff but yes, I moved. All in the name of art!! Indeed I did. I moved to PARIS! So I'll be posting somewhat interesting and definetly local cultural news from the capital of Art (and France) from now on.

So, what does every art-fan do, when they first get to Paris? Yes - it's an unspoken law, you have to go to the Louvre. THE Louvre. The mother of all museums, the queen of artexhibtions and archeology, the biggest museum in the entire world. So I went, it was snowy out (that's how long ago) and it was the same. The same as always.

So here my confession: I don't really like Le Louvre. I think it's way too big, way too full, too loud, the pieces are displayed poorly and even the selection doesn't make my heart beat faster. Obviously I do sometimes still visit this grande maison de l'art but I have to say, I do not really enjoy it. As stated before, there are always way too many people there - and all they want to do is see the famous Mona Lisa. They rush to this painting, which I don't like either by the way, take a quick snapshot from like a million miles away, you can't even see anything because the glass is so thick and the lighting is horrible. And whilst these snapshotchasers do this, they miss the actual highlight of the room. Behind them, vis-a-vis of Mona Lisa, that sneakily smiling minx (sorry Da Vinci) hangs a sensational painting: The Wedding of Cana by the great master Veronese. Breathtaking! And most people just miss it, it's a shame...

What I do enjoy about the Louvre though, is the clever architecture. The famous Pyramids by equally famous architect Ieoh Ming Pei are a marvel. It definetly was a risk to combine such an important and historic building with the modern, very contrasting glass Pyramids. And I also enjoy the great collection of Flemish paintings, for I did my thesis on Rubens. Wonderful works by Rubens!

Sorry for starting my parisian art-reviews with a rant, but there are far more fascinating things to be discovered than same old - same old Louvre. Which is obviously still great. Just not one of my personal greats. D'accord... Â bientôt!

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