Dienstag, 27. März 2012

A Parisian Dream

So, Paris. You can imagine, that I'm really loving it here. The entire city has a magical feel to it! And I really wanted to get to know the city head over heel. So I managed to get an invitation to a fashion show in my first week here which was awesome!
Afterall Paris isn't only the city of art, it's also the city of fashion! Some might say that fashion and art are so close together that you can't tell the difference - well, I think fashion is just one aspect of art! Fashion is art!!

Anyways, I went to the fashion show which was called "Podium Jeunes Stylistes" and I was very excited to see the clothes that the young designers had made for the evening. The theme of the fashionshow was "schizophrenia" and the clothes had to be designed with the theme of the event as guideline.

But as I entered the place where the fashionshow was held, my eye was immediateley caught by something else! The show was held in The Westin Hotel in Paris in the Salon Impérial. A beautiful, beautiful salon featuring impressive second empire-style fresco, lush red velvet curtains, elegant chandeliers and wonderful wooden floors. But the ceiling frescos really took my breath away! They were amazing! The whole rooms was just like out of an old-timed french dream - and this in my first week! Crazy...

After I got used to the fantastic location I could start to observe all the fabulous and well-dressed people and the whole set-up of the fashionshow. It was unbelievable. The modern technology and the traditional room were a perfect complimet to eachother. 
And then the show started. The music was playing loudly, the models were as beautiful as expected and the clothes even more beautiful and creative! It was wonderful. 

Oh, the winner of the show was crowned immediately after the show and Lou De Testa won with her amazing collection of wonderful and inspired outfits. Metal feathers - if that's not schizo... :)

(For more infos about the Podium Jeunes Stylistes Competition: http://www.podiumstylistes.fr/index.php?lang=fr)

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