Samstag, 31. März 2012

More Tradition now...

Lovely art-lovers,

I will tell you today, what my favorite museum in Paris is (so far). And of all the ones that you should see or know!

Musée d'Art moderne de la Ville de Paris.

It's just... grand! Amazing, lovely, beautiful, well built - everything you'd want in a museum! It mostly displays modern and contemporary art in a permanent collection but it also has changing exhibitions. When I visited the museum for the first time it was a sad, grey, rainy, cold day. Perfect for a museum - plus I felt a little down and a visit to the museum always cheers me up! Aaaanyways, so I went and the first thing you notice is the great location. You have a really pretty view on the Eiffel Tower and it's right at the Seine, so a lovely walk. The second thing is, when you can actually take in the entire and monumental building! The building, which is calles Palais de Tokyo, has two wings and the musée is in the right one. It was built for the International Exposition for Art and Technology in 1937 and the official opening of the musée was 1961. The building was created in a neoclassical style which is instantly clear when you see its fassade with the big columns and the cubic appearance in the ancient greek tradition.

As I entered the building I kindof had an idea of how the inside would look and to be honest, I was a little worried. The building stands so tall, like an erratic block, demanding so much respect and almost making you fear it. But the inside were lovely! The rooms were high, but not to big, there were niches for the various artist and it had a really nice flow to it, there was a given route or circuit if you will - which negates the cubist appearance of the museum! The lighting was amazing, there were no reflections on the paintings and the pieces were extraordinarily well hung! But that's not all! The quality of the artwork was really really high and it gave you an amazing overview of the eras and of the artist that were displayed. You never got tired or felt lost in the museum which is quite an accomplishment - well done!

And one thing I also really enjoyed was the amount of people in the museum. There weren't alot of people... Which is nice, you get to actually take in the pieces of art and think about them and take your time without worrying if you're bothering someone. Very, very pleasant. But I guess also kind of sad, because the best museum (at least in my opinion) goes unnoticed by the broad public.

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