Freitag, 6. April 2012

Giorgio De Chirico

Good Day amazing ones,

One of my personal favorites and earliest encounters in my studies was Giorgio de Chirico - one of the greatest surrealistic painters!

Much to my delight I discovered that the Musée de l'art moderne de la ville de Paris has a wonderful collection of de Chirico.

One of the things I love most about this paintings are the intense colors - especially the marine blue and green tones. I think his portrayal of archtitecture is brilliant and the different elements in the painting mostly make sense - not like the other surrealists' paintings. Tzz...
What's also always striking me is the feeling of extreme loneliness and solitude that comes from his works.

So here a selection of some amazing works by de Chirico, I'm not gonna bore you with more talking and just let the works talk for themselves.

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