Montag, 30. April 2012

Centre Pompidou, don't mind if I do

Bonsoir mes amis de l'art,

So, another big one is coming up. One of the most important collections of contemporary art in the world: The Centre Pompidou. Of course I visited it before, but now I'm actually gonna tell you, what pieces I love slash like.

So there is one quite eyestopping work by Piotr Kowalski. The piece is called "Identité No. 2" and was created in 1973. And as you can tell by the trend of light and neon right now, it is a true inovative piece. I mean, it was created 40 years ago - crazy, right?!

It's basically just three different sized cubes made out of lighting tubes infront of mirrors. Maybe the name comes from there. Their second identity is in the mirror or comes through the mirror. But one thing you can't tell by looking at the pictures is the sound it makes. Yes, you would have never guessed, right? There is a really strong buzzing and humming noise. It almost sounds like a really busy meadow in summer creawling with different insects. 

Another piece I think is brilliant is an installation by Jean Dubuffet and is called "Le jardin d'hiver". The first thing that came to mind is the saying that art can be a refuge. This piece is an actual refuge:

It's an interactive walk-in work! I felt like I was walking inside a comic because of the strong black lines and the black and white color. It felt totally safe and wonderful and it also brings out the childish side in you. Because who didn't build caves out of their blankets and chairs. At the same time it felt a little lonely and dark, because there is no source of light, exept the entrance which can be closed and because of the material which makes every step you take sound hollow and echo. 

There's always new stuff to discover at Pompidou, I think I'll be telling you about more of my favorites some other time though.

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