Donnerstag, 26. April 2012

Happy in the sun

Adorers of art,

Since my last post was about what happend when it was raining, this one will be about what happend when it was sunny.

Because I had waited forever to do this - but it had to be sunny. I wanted to visit the famous Musée Rodin and its beautiful garden. So I waited and waited and one day it was finally sunny and perfect. So I went.

Sadly, the Museum was closed for renovations but the Jardin was still accesable. Yay! And it was wonderful. There were all the famous statues of Rodin in a gorgeous setting. Since it was the beginning of spring, the plants and flowers were a little shy and barely open but it was still very pretty. The former house of the wellknown impressionist painter had a huge lawn and a pond and a lot of trees shielding it from the busy street next to it and next to Invalides.

I must have sat an hour infront of Rodins original and marvalous "The Thinker" - thinking about it. I enjoyed the first real sunny day since last summer and was happy, that this great man still attracts so many people. Because it was busy and for once I did not mind it.

It was a lovely day and I would recommend it to everyone as a top priority during their stay in Paris.

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